
What are Webskins?

Webskins are a small Javascript tool that I developed to enable "skinnable" web-sites. Developers can use this to make available different stylesheets for users to choose from, and users can include their own stylesheets as well.

Why use Webskins?

What’s New and Changed

June 20, 2006
Webskins v1.0 is almost ready to be released. This page should be updated in a day or so, so please check back!


Step 1

Add the following text into the <HEAD> section of your HTML:
001 <head>
002   <meta id="skins.skinset"
003         description="file1.css|descr,file2.css|descr"/>
004   <link rel="stylesheet" href="webskins.css"/>
005   <script language="javascript" src="skins.js"></script>
006 </head>

Step 2

Configure the skinset. To do this, change the 'skins.skinset' meta tag (line 002 and 003 above) so that they contain your stylesheets (and descriptions). For example, on this page, I have:
<meta id="skins.skinset" description="color-scheme.css|Standard,color-scheme2.css|Alternate"/>
The description is optional (you can just have 'color-scheme.css,color-scheme2.css'). It should be obvious, but use your own .css files! This is just an example.

Step 3 (optional)

Customize the skinset. There are a number of parameters that you can pass in in the HTML meta tag "skins.properties". These parameters should resemble a GET request (name1=value1&name2=value&...). The available parameters are: